Friday, March 30, 2012
1203.6588 (M. N. Chernodub)
Permanently rotating devices: extracting rotation from quantum vacuum
M. N. Chernodub1203.6644 (Jeppe C. Dyre et al.)
The instantaneous shear modulus in the shoving model [PDF]
Jeppe C. Dyre, Wei Hua WangThursday, March 29, 2012
1203.6182 (A. W. Baggaley et al.)
Spectrum and nature of superfluid turbulence [PDF]
A. W. Baggaley, L. K. Sherwin, C. F. Barenghi, Y. A. SergeevWednesday, March 28, 2012
1010.3392 (Hua Y. Geng et al.)
High-pressure behavior of dense hydrogen up to 3.5 TPa from density
functional theory calculations [PDF]
Hua Y. Geng, Hong X. Song, J. F. Li, Q. Wu
1107.2358 (J. M. Perez-Mato et al.)
Magnetic superspace groups and symmetry constraints in incommensurate
magnetic phases [PDF]
J. M. Perez-Mato, J. L. Ribeiro, V. Petricek, M. I. Aroyo
1111.1906 (Regine Frank et al.)
Coherent feedback from dissipation: the lasing mode volume of random
lasers [PDF]
Regine Frank, Andreas Lubatsch, Johann Kroha
1203.5908 (A. J. Bennett et al.)
Free induction decay of a superposition stored in a quantum dot [PDF]
A. J. Bennett, M. A. Pooley, R. M. Stevenson, I. Farrer, D. A. Ritchie, A. J. Shields1203.5909 (A. J. Bennett et al.)
Electric-field-induced coherent coupling of the exciton states in a
single quantum dot [PDF]
A. J. Bennett, M. A. Pooley, R. M. Stevenson, M. B. Ward, R. B. Patel, A. Boyer de la Giroday, N. Sköld, I. Farrer, C. A. Nicoll, D. A. Ritchie, A. J. Shields
1203.5910 (Zhen-Guo Fu et al.)
Theory of multiple magnetic scattering for quasiparticles on a gapless
topological insulator surface [PDF]
Zhen-Guo Fu, Ping Zhang, Zhigang Wang, Fawei Zheng, Shu-Shen Li
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
1109.1199 (Tekin Dereli et al.)
Two-Frequency Jahn-Teller Systems in Circuit QED [PDF]
Tekin Dereli, Yusuf Gül, Pol Forn-Díaz, Özgür E. Müstecaplıoğlu1201.3079 (I. Rousochatzakis et al.)
Quantum magnetism on the Cairo pentagonal lattice [PDF]
I. Rousochatzakis, A. M. Läuchli, R. Moessner1203.5385 (Sergey V. Stepanov et al.)
Beyond the Point Ps Approximation [PDF]
Sergey V. Stepanov, Dmitry S. Zvezhinskiy, Vsevolod M. Byakov1203.5390 (Sergey V. Stepanov et al.)
Positronium in a liquid phase: formation, bubble state and chemical
reactions [PDF]
Sergey V. Stepanov, Vsevolod M. Byakov, Dmitrii S. Zvezhinskiy, Gilles Duplatre, Roman R. Nurmukhametov, Petr S. Stepanov
1203.5408 (Lixian Yu et al.)
Analytical solutions for the Rabi model [PDF]
Lixian Yu, Shiqun Zhu, Qifeng Liang, Gang Chen, Suotang Jia1203.5429 (L. Sh. Grigoryan et al.)
Stimulated excitation of resonant Cherenkov radiation at a large number
of neighbouring waveguide modes [PDF]
L. Sh. Grigoryan, S. R. Arzumanyan, H. F. Khachatryan, M. L. Grigoryan
1203.5469 (Hong-Bo Chen et al.)
Bond distortion effects and electric orders in spiral multiferroic
magnets [PDF]
Hong-Bo Chen, Yi Zhou, You-Quan Li
Monday, March 26, 2012
1112.5300 (Endre Kajari et al.)
Statistical mechanics of entanglement mediated by a thermal reservoir I [PDF]
Endre Kajari, Alexander Wolf, Eric Lutz, Giovanna Morigi1203.5016 (Christian Hainzl et al.)
Ground state properties of graphene in Hartree-Fock theory [PDF]
Christian Hainzl, Mathieu Lewin, Christof Sparber1203.5133 (L. Warszawski et al.)
Unpinning triggers for superfluid vortex avalanches [PDF]
L. Warszawski, A. Melatos, N. BerloffFriday, March 23, 2012
1203.4890 (Takuya Saito et al.)
Detecting the superfluid critical momentum of Bose gases in optical
lattices through dipole oscillations [PDF]
Takuya Saito, Ippei Danshita, Takeshi Ozaki, Tetsuro Nikuni
1203.4946 (Hendrik Bentmann et al.)
Interplay of electronic structure and atomic ordering on surfaces:
Momentum-resolved measurements of Cs atoms adsorbed on a Ag(111) substrate [PDF]
Hendrik Bentmann, Arne Buchter, Friedrich Reinert
1203.4964 (H. Wilhelm et al.)
Confinement of Chiral Magnetic Modulations in the Precursor Region of
FeGe [PDF]
H. Wilhelm, M. Baenitz, M. Schmidt, C. Naylor, R. Lortz, U. K. Roessler, A. A. Leonov, A. N. Bogdanov
Thursday, March 22, 2012
1106.4231 (Helen V. Gomonay et al.)
Symmetry and the macroscopic dynamics of antiferromagnetic materials in
the presence of spin-polarized current [PDF]
Helen V. Gomonay, Roman Kunitsyn, Vadim M. Loktev
1112.6171 (Sirshendu Bhattacharyya et al.)
Transverse Ising Chain under Periodic Instantaneous Quenches: Dynamical
Many-Body Freezing and Emergence of Solitary Oscillation [PDF]
Sirshendu Bhattacharyya, Arnab Das, Subinay Dasgupta
1203.4569 (R. Applegate et al.)
Is the Yb2Ti2O7 pyrochlore a quantum spin ice? [PDF]
R. Applegate, N. R. Hayre, R. R. P. Singh, T. Lin, A. G. R. Day, M. J. P. GingrasWednesday, March 21, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
1109.6365 (Darryl D. Holm et al.)
Collisionless kinetic theory of rolling molecules [PDF]
Darryl D. Holm, Vakhtang Putkaradze, Cesare Tronci1203.3848 (Guocai Liu et al.)
Topological Superfluid Transition Induced by Periodically Driven Optical
Lattice [PDF]
Guocai Liu, Ningning Hao, Shi-Liang Zhu, W. M. Liu
1203.3863 (Y. Sundarayya et al.)
Magnetic Phase Transition and Relaxation Effects in LiFePO4 [PDF]
Y. Sundarayya, C. Bansal, C. S. Sunandana, Ajay Kumar Mishra, Richard A. Brand, Horst Hahn1203.3898 (W. Zheng et al.)
General Solution to Gradient Induced Transverse and Longitudinal
Relaxation of Spins Undergoing Restricted Diffusion [PDF]
W. Zheng, H. Gao, J. -G. Liu, Y. Zhang, Q. Ye, C. Swank
1203.4118 (S. A. Khrapak et al.)
Fluid-solid phase transitions in 3D complex plasmas under microgravity
conditions [PDF]
S. A. Khrapak, B. A. Klumov, P. Huber, V. I. Molotkov, A. M. Lipaev, V. N. Naumkin, A. V. Ivlev, H. M. Thomas, M. Schwabe, G. E. Morfill, O. F. Petrov, V. E. Fortov, Yu. Malentschenko, S. Volkov
Monday, March 19, 2012
1203.3669 (D. Wilms et al.)
Langevin Dynamics simulations of a 2-dimensional colloidal crystal under
confinement and shear [PDF]
D. Wilms, P. Virnau, S. Sengupta, K. Binder
Friday, March 16, 2012
1203.3231 (X. Lu et al.)
Temperature dependence of in-plane correlation lengths in exchange
biased Co/FeF2 [PDF]
X. Lu, S. Roy, E. Blackburn, Mikhail Erekhinsky, Ivan K. Schuller, J. B. Kortright, S. K. Sinha
1203.3340 (M. L. Plumer et al.)
Micromagnetic simulations of sweep-rate dependent coercivity in
perpendicular recording media [PDF]
M. L. Plumer, M. D. Leblanc, J. P. Whitehead, J. van Ek
1203.3349 (Denis Maryenko et al.)
Temperature dependent magnetotransport around $ν$= 1/2 in ZnO
heterostructures [PDF]
Denis Maryenko, Joseph Falson, Yusuke Kozuka, Atsushi Tsukazaki, Masaru Onoda, Hideo Aoki, Masashi Kawasaki
1203.3352 (N. Uzar et al.)
Solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii and time-fractional Gross-Pitaevskii
equations for different potentials with Homotopy Perturbation Method [PDF]
N. Uzar, D. Han, T. T ufekci, E. Aydiner
Thursday, March 15, 2012
1203.2639 (J. Toulouse et al.)
Dielectric transparency induced by hetero-phase oscillations near the
phase transition of relaxor ferroelectrics [PDF]
J. Toulouse, R. K. Pattnaik, L. A. Boatner
1203.2731 (V. N. Krivoruchko et al.)
Antiferroelectric resonance in noncentrosymmetric multi-sublattice
magnets [PDF]
V. N. Krivoruchko, D. A. Yablonskii
1203.2838 (S. Tagliati et al.)
Membrane-based nanocalorimeter for high-resolution measurements of
low-temperature specific heat [PDF]
S. Tagliati, V. M. Krasnov, A. Rydh
1203.3040 (V. N. Varyukhin et al.)
Lattice dynamic theory of compressed rare-gases crystals in the deformed
atom model [PDF]
V. N. Varyukhin, E. P. Troitskaya, V. V. Chabanenko, I. V. Zhikharev, E. E. Gorbenko, E. A. Pilipenko
1203.3047 (Dmitry S. Zvezhinskiy et al.)
Effects of local heating and premelting in the terminal part of the
e$^+$ track [PDF]
Dmitry S. Zvezhinskiy, Sergey V. Stepanov, Vsevolod M. Byakov, Bozena Zgardzinska
1203.3053 (T. V. Laptyeva et al.)
Universal subdiffusion of nonlinear waves in two dimensions with
disorder [PDF]
T. V. Laptyeva, J. D. Bodyfelt, S. Flach
1203.3069 (Subhajit Sarkar et al.)
Theoretical analysis of neutron scattering results for quasi-two
dimensional ferromagnets [PDF]
Subhajit Sarkar, Samir K. Paul, Ranjan Chaudhury
1203.3086 (Volker Bach et al.)
Fermion Correlation Inequalities derived from G- and P-Conditions [PDF]
Volker Bach, Hans Konrad Knörr, Edmund MengeTuesday, March 13, 2012
1112.3266 (Marco Bernardi et al.)
Solar Energy Generation in Three Dimensions [PDF]
Marco Bernardi, Nicola Ferralis, Jin H. Wan, Rachelle Villalon, Jeffrey C. Grossman1203.2235 (A. O. Sorokin et al.)
Chiral Spin Liquid in two-dimensional XY Helimagnets [PDF]
A. O. Sorokin, A. V. Syromyatnikov1203.2515 (K. Tsukiyama et al.)
In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group for Open-Shell Nuclei [PDF]
K. Tsukiyama, S. K. Bogner, A. Schwenk1203.2580 (M. Topsakal et al.)
Graphene coatings: An efficient protection from oxidation [PDF]
M. Topsakal, H. Şahin, S. CiraciMonday, March 12, 2012
1110.0933 (Shaon Sahoo et al.)
Study of Low Temperature Magnetic Properties of a Single Chain Magnet
With Alternate Isotropic and Non-Collinear Anisotropic Units [PDF]
Shaon Sahoo, Jean-Pascal Sutter, S. Ramasesha
1203.2149 (André Junker et al.)
Cooperative effects in nuclear excitation with coherent x-ray light [PDF]
André Junker, Adriana Pálffy, Christoph H. KeitelFriday, March 9, 2012
1106.5595 (A. Trichet et al.)
From Strong to Weak Coupling Regime in a Single GaN Microwire up to Room
Temperature [PDF]
A. Trichet, F. Médard, J. Zuniga-Perez, B. Alloing, M. Richard
1108.0137 (Fred Jendrzejewski et al.)
Three-dimensional localization of ultracold atoms in an optical
disordered potential [PDF]
Fred Jendrzejewski, Alain Bernard, Killian Mueller, Patrick Cheinet, Vincent Josse, Marie Piraud, Luca Pezze, Laurent Sanchez-Palencia, Alain Aspect, Philippe Bouyer
1203.1827 (T. Jarlborg et al.)
Effects of thermal- and spin- fluctuations on the band structure of
purple bronze Li$_2$Mo$_{12}$O$_{34}$ [PDF]
T. Jarlborg, P. Chudzinski, T. Giamarchi
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
1203.1231 (Antoine Canaguier-Durand et al.)
Classical Casimir interaction in the plane-sphere geometry [PDF]
Antoine Canaguier-Durand, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Marc-Thierry Jaekel, Astrid Lambrecht, Paulo A. Maia Neto, Serge Reynaud1203.1306 (J. N. Gonçalves et al.)
Ab-initio study of the relation between electric polarization and
electric field gradients in ferroelectrics [PDF]
J. N. Gonçalves, A. Stroppa, J. G. Correia, T. Butz, S. Picozzi, A. S. Fenta, V. S. Amaral
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
1109.5107 (Rafael L. Heinisch et al.)
Electron surface layer at the interface of a plasma and a dielectric
wall [PDF]
Rafael L. Heinisch, Franz X. Bronold, Holger Fehske
1112.4932 (A. Duh et al.)
Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Cavities for Quantum Fluids Experiments [PDF]
A. Duh, A. Suhel, B. D. Hauer, R. Saeedi, P. H. Kim, T. S. Biswas, J. P. Davis1203.0609 (Haruki Watanabe et al.)
Number of Nambu-Goldstone bosons and partially symplectic geometry of
coset space [PDF]
Haruki Watanabe, Hitoshi Murayama
1203.0614 (H. Y. Geng et al.)
Extension of the Wu-Jing equation of state (EOS) for highly porous
materials: thermoelectron based theoretical model [PDF]
H. Y. Geng, Q. Wu, H. Tan, L. Cai, F. Jing
1203.0619 (H. Y. Geng et al.)
Extension of the Wu-Jing equation of state (EOS) for highly porous
materials: calculations to validate and compare the thermoelectron model [PDF]
H. Y. Geng, Q. Wu, H. Tan, L. Cai, F. Jing
1203.0645 (S. Keating et al.)
Effects of Substrate Temperature on Indium Gallium Nitride Nanocolumn
Crystal Growth [PDF]
S. Keating, M. G. Urquhart, D. V. P. McLaughlin, J. M. Pearce
1203.0672 (Yu. A. Freiman et al.)
Equation of state and Raman-active $E_{2g}$ lattice phonon in phases I,
II, and III of solid hydrogen and deuterium [PDF]
Yu. A. Freiman, Alexei Grechnev, S. M. Tretyak, Alexander F. Goncharov, Russell J. Hemley
1203.0863 (R. Rota et al.)
A microscopic description of vacancies in solid 4He [PDF]
R. Rota, Y. Lutsyshyn, C. Cazorla, J. BoronatMonday, March 5, 2012
1203.0246 (Juha Javanainen et al.)
One- and two-atom states in a rotating ring lattice [PDF]
Juha Javanainen, Otim Odong, Jerome C. Sanders1203.0456 (Renato Pessoa et al.)
Elastic constants and supersolidity in solid hcp 4He [PDF]
Renato Pessoa, M. de Koning, S. A. Vitiello
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