Tuesday, March 6, 2012

1109.5107 (Rafael L. Heinisch et al.)

Electron surface layer at the interface of a plasma and a dielectric

Rafael L. Heinisch, Franz X. Bronold, Holger Fehske

1112.4932 (A. Duh et al.)

Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Cavities for Quantum Fluids Experiments    [PDF]

A. Duh, A. Suhel, B. D. Hauer, R. Saeedi, P. H. Kim, T. S. Biswas, J. P. Davis

1203.0609 (Haruki Watanabe et al.)

Number of Nambu-Goldstone bosons and partially symplectic geometry of
coset space

Haruki Watanabe, Hitoshi Murayama

1203.0614 (H. Y. Geng et al.)

Extension of the Wu-Jing equation of state (EOS) for highly porous
materials: thermoelectron based theoretical model

H. Y. Geng, Q. Wu, H. Tan, L. Cai, F. Jing

1203.0619 (H. Y. Geng et al.)

Extension of the Wu-Jing equation of state (EOS) for highly porous
materials: calculations to validate and compare the thermoelectron model

H. Y. Geng, Q. Wu, H. Tan, L. Cai, F. Jing

1203.0645 (S. Keating et al.)

Effects of Substrate Temperature on Indium Gallium Nitride Nanocolumn
Crystal Growth

S. Keating, M. G. Urquhart, D. V. P. McLaughlin, J. M. Pearce

1203.0672 (Yu. A. Freiman et al.)

Equation of state and Raman-active $E_{2g}$ lattice phonon in phases I,
II, and III of solid hydrogen and deuterium

Yu. A. Freiman, Alexei Grechnev, S. M. Tretyak, Alexander F. Goncharov, Russell J. Hemley

1203.0863 (R. Rota et al.)

A microscopic description of vacancies in solid 4He    [PDF]

R. Rota, Y. Lutsyshyn, C. Cazorla, J. Boronat