Monday, October 29, 2012

1108.5407 (Heron Caldas et al.)

Superfluidity in Two-Dimensional Imbalanced Fermi Gases    [PDF]

Heron Caldas, A. L. Mota, R. L. S. Farias, L. A. Souza

1210.7086 (S. R. K. Rodriguez et al.)

Bose-Einstein condensation of plexcitons    [PDF]

S. R. K. Rodriguez, M. A. Verschuuren, J. Gomez Rivas

1210.7116 (Joseph W. Bennett et al.)

Orthorhombic $ABC$ semiconductors as antiferroelectrics    [PDF]

Joseph W. Bennett, Kevin F. Garrity, Karin M. Rabe, David Vanderbilt

1210.7149 (Paolo E. Trevisanutto et al.)

Optical spectra of solids obtained by time-dependent density-functional
theory with the jellium-with-gap model exchange-correlation kernel

Paolo E. Trevisanutto, Aleksandrs Terentjevs, Lucian A. Constantin, Valerio Olevano, Fabio Della Sala

1210.7195 (Valerio Olevano et al.)

Momentum distribution and Compton profile by the ab initio GW

Valerio Olevano, Andrey Titov, Massimo Ladisa, Keijo Hämäläinen, Simo Huotari, Markus Holzmann