Friday, May 25, 2012

1205.5307 (P. C. E. Stamp)

Environmental Decoherence versus Intrinsic Decoherence    [PDF]

P. C. E. Stamp

1205.5413 (J. Cieslak et al.)

Structural and hyperfine characterization of σ-phase Fe-Mo alloys    [PDF]

J. Cieslak, S. M. Dubiel, J. Przewoznik, J. Tobola

1205.5432 (E. A. Muljarov et al.)

Resonant acousto-optics in the terahertz range: TO-phonon polaritons
driven by an ultrasonic wave

E. A. Muljarov, R. H. Poolman, A. L. Ivanov

1205.5462 (E. A. Muljarov)

Hydrogen supersymmetry: A new method in perturbation theory    [PDF]

E. A. Muljarov

1205.5482 (E. A. Muljarov et al.)

Hyperspherical theory of anisotropic exciton    [PDF]

E. A. Muljarov, A. L. Yablonskii, S. G. Tikhodeev, A. E. Bulatov, Joseph L. Birman

1205.5546 (M. A. Kaliteevski et al.)

Double bosonic stimulation of THz emission in a polaritonic cascade

M. A. Kaliteevski, K. A. Ivanov

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

1205.1122 (Koushik Ray et al.)

An Algebraic Geometry Method for Calculating DOS for 2D tight binding

Koushik Ray, Siddhartha Sen

1205.1146 (S. V. Streltsov et al.)

Theoretical prediction of Jahn-Teller distortions and orbital ordering
in Cs2CuCl2Br2

S. V. Streltsov, D. I. Khomskii

1205.1186 (S. Takahashi et al.)

Free-Electron Laser-Powered Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy    [PDF]

S. Takahashi, L. -C. Brunel, D. T. Edwards, J. van Tol, G. Ramian, S. Han, M. S. Sherwin

1205.1370 (V. V. Nesvizhevsky et al.)

Study of levitating nanoparticles using ultracold neutrons    [PDF]

V. V. Nesvizhevsky, A. Yu. Voronin, A. Lambrecht, S. Reynaud

1205.1378 (Elad Eizner et al.)

Van der Waals-Casimir-Polder interaction of an atom with a composite

Elad Eizner, Baruch Horovitz, Carsten Henkel

1205.1395 (A. Crepaldi et al.)

Giant ambipolar Rashba effect in a semiconductor: BiTeI    [PDF]

A. Crepaldi, L. Moreschini, G. Autès, C. Tournier-Colletta, S. Moser, N. Virk, H. Berger, Ph. Bugnon, Y. J. Chang, K. Kern, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, O. V. Yazyev, M. Grioni

1205.1476 (M. ElMassalami et al.)

Tuning in magnetic modes in Tb(Co_{x}Ni_{1-x})_{2}B_{2}C: from
longitudinal spin-density waves to simple ferromagnetism

M. ElMassalami, H. Takeya, B. Ouladdiaf, R. Maia Filho, A. M. Gomes, T. Paiva, R. R. dos Santos

Thursday, May 3, 2012

1205.0041 (P. D. Grigoriev et al.)

Weakly coherent regime of interlayer magnetoresistance in the organic
metal $α$-(BEDT-TTF)$_{2}$KHg(SCN)$_{4}$

P. D. Grigoriev, M. V. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher

1205.0127 (Nicolas Mariotti et al.)

Scanning tunneling microscopy at multiple voltage biases of stable
"ring-like" Ag clusters on Si(111)-(7$\times$7)

Nicolas Mariotti, Clément Didiot, Eike F Schwier, Claude Monney, Laure-Emmanuelle Perret-Aebi, Corsin Battaglia, Michael G Garnier, Philipp Aebi

1205.0214 (E. G. Bittle et al.)

Dynamics of Charge Flow in the Channel of a Thin-Film Field-Effect

E. G. Bittle, J. W. Brill, J. P. Straley

1205.0365 (Ching-Hao Chang et al.)

Switching off the magnetic exchange coupling by quantum resonances    [PDF]

Ching-Hao Chang, Tzay-Ming Hong

1205.0461 (Laurent Boué et al.)

Temperature suppression of Kelvin-wave turbulence in superfluids    [PDF]

Laurent Boué, Victor L'vov, Itamar Procaccia