Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1110.3988 (Riccardo Rota et al.)

Onset temperature of Bose-Einstein condensation in incommensurate solid

Riccardo Rota, Jordi Boronat
The temperature dependence of the one-body density matrix in 4He crystals
presenting vacancies is computed with Path Integral Monte Carlo. The main
purpose of this study is to estimate the onset temperature T_0 of Bose-Einstein
condensation in these systems. We see that T_0 depends on the vacancy
concentration X_v of the simulated system, but not following the law $T_0 \sim
X_v^{2/3}$ obtained assuming non-interacting vacancies. For the lowest X_v we
have studied, that is X_v = 1/256, we get T_0 = (0.15 \pm 0.05) K, close to the
temperatures at which a finite fraction of non-classical rotational inertia is
experimentally observed. Below T_0, vacancies do not act as classical point
defects becoming completely delocalized entities.
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