Giancarlo D'Agostino, Luigi Bergamaschi, Laura Giordani, Giovanni Mana, Enrico Massa, Massimo Oddone
Analytical measurements of the 28Si crystal used for the determination of the Avogadro constant are essential to prevent biased results or under-estimated uncertainties. A review of the existing data confirms the high-purity of silicon with respect to a large number of elements. In order to obtain a direct evidence of purity, we developed a relative analytical method based on neutron activation. As a preliminary test, this method was applied to a sample of the Avogadro crystal WASO 04. The investigation concerned twenty-nine elements. The mass fraction of Au was quantified to be 1.03(18) x 10-12. For the remaining twenty-eight elements, the mass fractions are below the detection limits, which range between 1 x 10-12 and 1 x 10-5.
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